Categories: Kitchen, Remodel

by loyaladmin021


Reasons for remodeling vary, some homeowners just want to remodel to be able to resell their home for a better return, while others may just want to enjoy their dream kitchen. The true is that the kitchen is the heart of the home, so updating this space brings benefits beyond having a nice-looking room.   

1. Increased Space

Small kitchens can make navigating a nightmare, especially with more than one person in the space. Space is essential for a kitchen, whether you need more of it or you need to improve your use of it. A lack of space can make it difficult to get around in the kitchen, especially if one or more persons are using it. A remodel can extend the space of the kitchen or make better use of it by redesigning the layout.

2. Improved Function

Kitchen remodeling also gives you the option to update features to make them more functional. By remodeling the space, you open up the ability to install new, functional pieces that operate as they should and cater to how you do things in your kitchen.

3. Host more parties

People who love entertaining–but don’t love their kitchen–renovate to create a nice place for guests to hang out. After all, the kitchen is generally the center of the party.

4. Energy Efficient

Speaking of out outdated appliances, if your current kitchen set up is over a decade old, you’re probably not seeing any savings on your energy bills. Updated appliances don’t just make life easier while cooking, energy-efficient models can help reduce energy consumption and save you hundreds a year in electricity costs.

5. Encourage homemade meals

It’s no secret that homemade meals are generally healthier than restaurant meals. Increased counter space, new appliances and a better-looking kitchen make people want to stay home and cook.

6. Increased Value

While you might not be considering selling your home anytime soon, the return on investment is something to keep in mind when contemplating a kitchen remodel. Even minor remodels have the potential to garner an ROI of around 82.7%. This type of remodel can also make it easier to sell your home in the future. 

If you’re looking for a great excuse to renovate your kitchen, look no further than your health. Renovating a kitchen can help your family eat more home-cooked meals together and also give you a new space to enjoy with family and friends. You don’t even need to do a full kitchen renovation to reap the benefits. A new paint color, new cabinets and counter top, new backaplash or an island addition are relatively simple changes that can make a big difference in your home style.

by loyaladmin021



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